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時(shí)間:2014-02-26來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

http://www.swinburne.edu.au/engineering/caous/, please see “Latest News and Events”.

We are advertising three theoretical postdoctoral positions at the Centre for Quantum and Optical Science (CQOS):
• Academic Level A6-A8 (x2): $71,998 – $77,247 plus 17% superannuation – Fixed-term position for two years, commencing July 2014
• Academic Level B1-B3 (x1): $81,290 – $87,346 plus 17% superannuation – Fixed-term position for three years, commencing July 2014

Applications close: 5pm on 15 April 2014

Swinburne University of Technology has been ranked as one of the world’s top 100 universities in Physics in the prestigious Academic Ranking of World Universities. This reflects the organisations’ strong commitment in Physics to quality education, innovative pedagogy, and learning pathways that help students to achieve their potential.

Three Postdoctoral Research Fellows with strong theoretical skills and a solid background in ultracold quantum gases and quantum physics are sought to work on existing projects, funded by the Australian Research Council, with Assoc. Prof. Xia-Ji Liu and Hui Hu. The research will be carried out at the Theory Group in the Centre for Quantum and Optical Science.

Level A: One Postdoctoral Research Fellow will work on a project that involves the development of new theoretical methods to understand and characterize the emergent exotic states of matter in strongly repulsively interacting ultracold atomic gases. The research will focus on the universal thermodynamics and dynamics of strongly interacting Bose and Fermi gases that can be experimentally characterized by using radio-frequency spectroscopy and Bragg spectroscopy. The position will be available on the full-time basis for up to two years.

The other Level A Postdoctoral Research Fellow will work on a project that aims to better understand imbalanced superfluidity in ultracold atomic Fermi gases. The specific goals of the research are to provide theoretical proposals for creating imbalanced superfluids in a variety of cold-atom settings and verifying unambiguously the existence of imbalanced superfluidity, and to theoretically simulate unconventional solid-state superconductors and stellar new superfluids in cold-atom laboratories. The position will initially be on the full-time basis for two years, with further one year extension subject to funding and performance.

Level B: The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will work on a project that involves the theoretical study of spin-orbit coupled atomic Bose and Fermi gases. The research aims to better understand novel topological states of matter, which underlie new generation materials known as topological insulators and superconductors. The position will be available on the full-time basis for up to three years.

In addition to independent research activities, the incumbent at all levels will be responsible for the supervision of postgraduate students working on the project, writing up results for publication and presenting results at conferences.

URL to Webpage: http://www.swinburne.edu.au/engineering/caous/theory/index.html

All applicants must supply a CV, bibliography, a brief statement of research interests and a research proposal. For further information, including contact details, position descriptions, and access to the online submission form, please visit https://swinjobs.nga.net.au/ and search for Job Ref. S140034….



