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時間:2014-03-03來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Pittsburgh to study the development and degeneration of the zebrafish retina in the following two research areas.

Polarity proteins: The zebrafish retina develops from a polarized undifferentiated neuroepithelium into a functional tissue of complex cytoarchitecture. We are interested in understanding how the polarity proteins regulate this remarkable morphogenetic process during development as well as in how polarity proteins maintain photoreceptor survival in developed mature retina.

Chromatin organization: Growing evidence demonstrates that dynamic chromatin organization play essential roles in genomic functions. However, the mechanisms of chromatin organization remain poorly understood. We are interested in the chromatin biology and epigenetic regulations of retinal development and aging. Our current focus is to understand how cell-type-specific chromatin organizations underlie gene expression regulations and how such chromatin organizations play critical roles in maintaining photoreceptor health.

The following papers provide further information on our research interests:

J. Zou, X. Wang, and X. Wei (2012) Crb apical polarity proteins maintain zebrafish retinal cone mosaics via intercellular binding of their extracellular domains.
Developmental Cell. 22, 1261–1274.

X. Yang, J. Zou, D. Hyde, L. Davidson, and X. Wei (2009) Stepwise maturation of apicobasal polarity of the neuroepithelium is essential for vertebrate neurulation.
Journal of Neuroscience. 29:11426-11440.

J. Zou, K. Lathrop, M. Sun, X. Wei (2008) Intact RPE maintained by Nok is essential for retinal epithelial polarity and cellular patterning in zebrafish.
Journal of Neuroscience. 28(50):13684 –13695.

X. Wei, S. Somanathan, J. Samarabandu and R. Berezney. (1999). Three-dimensional visualization of transcription sites and their association with splicing factor-rich nuclear speckles.
Journal of Cell Biology 146:543-558.

X. Wei, J. Samarabandu, R.S. Devdhar, A. Siegel. R. Acharya, R. Berezney. (1998) Segregation of transcription and replication sites into higher order domains.
Science. 281:1502-1505.

We are looking for an independent, prudent, and self-motivated candidate to work on projects related to one or both of the above-mentioned research areas. Candidates should have a PhD in developmental biology, genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, or biochemistry. Candidates with solid skills in molecular biology and DNA/RNA in situ hybridization techniques are especially desired. We look forward to interactive discussions with candidates about their research interests and career goals. Please send a cover letter, CV, and research interests to:

Xiangyun Wei, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Ophthalmology
Dept. of Developmental Biology
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pennsylvania, United States
Email: weix@upmc.edu.



