Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Super-resolution imaging : Leeds, United Kingdom
Faculty of Biological Sciences
School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Super-resolution imaging
Fixed term for 54 months
Applications are invited for an experienced Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on
a project to build a novel ‘super-resolution’ 3D structured illumination microscope.
The project is funded by the MRC Next Generation Optical Imaging Initiative.
You should have a PhD (or are close to completion) in an area of biophysics,
physics, biochemistry or bioengineering (or related), you will use your knowledge
and ability to build a novel ‘instant’ structured illumination microscopy set-up
primarily to image live cells. You will also be responsible for developing and
maintaining an existing PALM (photoactivated light microscopy) and STORM
(stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy) set-up. You should have experience in
optics, lasers, microscopy, imaging, camera technologies, programming and in
building custom-built instrumentation and a strong interest in biology. The final goal
is to build a novel 3D SIM instrument that can image to high resolution, with minimal
drift, low signal/noise, and be relatively straightforward for other non-expert users to
use. You will be creative, a quick-learner and able to work with custom-made
instrumentation and non-standard analysis tools, in an interdisciplinary environment.
You should have a strong biophysical science background and experience of
multidisciplinary research at the interface with biology is desirable.
University Grade 7 (£30,728 – £36,661 p.a.) Due to funding limitations it is
unlikely an appointment will be made above £30,728 p.a.
Closing Date: 20 March 2014