Post-doctoral Position on the epigenetic control of HIV latency : Paris, France
Postdoctoral position funded by ANRS (Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le SIDA et les Hépatites) available in the laboratory of Stéphane Emiliani to study the role of a novel chromatin associated complex in HIV latency.
We welcome applications from highly motivated individuals with strong expertise in virology, cellular and molecular biology and/or epigenetics. Candidates should possess a recent Ph.D., or MD/PhD. About the Cochin Institute: The Cochin Institute is a multidisciplinary Biomedical Research Center affiliated to the University Paris Descartes, INSERM and CNRS. The Institute is composed of 32 research teams and offers access to state-of-the-art research core facilities. The laboratory of Stéphane Emiliani, in the department of Infection, Immunity, inflammation, studies the molecular mechanisms that control HIV integration, transcription and latency.