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時間:2014-03-26來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER in charge carrier transport measurements in organic single crystals

Laboratory of organic matter physics (LOMP) of the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia announces a postdoctoral position on a joint project between LOMP, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and IMEC, Leuven, Belgium, focusing on advanced synthesis methods and charge carrier transport in novel high mobility organic semiconductor (OS) single crystals. The role of LOMP in the partnership is to characterize the charge carrier transport, using a state-of-the art time-of-flight (TOF) technique that was developed in LOMP. The successful candidate will design and perform TOF-based experiments on OS single crystals and perform numerical modeling of the data. Experience in fabrication and transport measurements of OS-based devices by solution-based techniques and vacuum evaporation and optical lithography is required. Strong knowledge of computer data acquisition and programming of numerical algorithms is also necessary. Knowledge of charge transport theories in organic crystals in a plus. The position is open from April 1. The initial term will be for one year, with optional renewal based on performance.



