
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 德國波鴻魯爾大學招聘稀土免費永磁體研究博士后



時間:2014-03-26來源:博士人才網 作者:91boshi
We are looking (as for now) for a postdoc working on a project to develop rare earth free hardmagnetic thin film materials based on the Fe-Co System. The project will end on 30. April 2015 which is also the maximum time of the employment.


In the framework of the project materials libraries of the type Fe-Co-X-Y (X=other 3d or 4d metals and Y=B,C,P,N) have to be fabricated by sputter deposition with the aim of finding regions with an increased magnetocrystalline anisotropy (BHmax). Another approach will be to epitaxially grow Fe-Co-Y systems on different substrates and bufferlayers (e.g. Au-Cu) to achieve a distortion of the unit cell. These materials libraries will be characterized with the help of high throughput characterization methods to identify the regions of interest. Special focus will be put on the analysis by XRD and magnetic characterization by VSM and MOKE. The new postdoc will be supported by another postdoc who is working on the project since the beginning of the project. There is also a network of cooperation partners with whom extensive collaboration is in progress. Obligatory project meetings take part on a regular basis. Results are expected to be published in international journals and presented on conferences.



