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時間:2014-03-26來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi
This PostDoc position will involve the development of innovative technologies to combine state-of-the-art microfluidic approaches with high-throughput imaging to address a central question in epigenetics: how epigenetic memory and chromatin impact transcriptional regulation in single cells. The PostDoc will therefore undertake a challenging project at the interphase of physics and biology in an internationally renowned environment and benefit from a setup with excellent core facilities and in-house microfluidics setup.


The research in our group at the IGBMC in Strasbourg focuses on understanding the establishment of specific transcriptional states and their epigenetic inheritance. Our research includes physical, biochemical and biophysical approaches as well as various developmental and cell biology systems. For details visit our webpage: http://www.igbmc.fr/research/department/2/team/105/ We are looking for a highly motivated candidate. The project is designed to allow the applicant to play a major role in determining its direction and at the same time benefit from intense international collaborations on the project as well as the profound epigenetics/chromatin background of the other members of my lab. The applicant should have a strong research background and a good publication record. An interdisciplinary expertise in both Physics and Biology would be advantageous. Experience in at least one of the following fields is required: quantitative imaging, data evaluation and modeling, scripting, microfabrication, biophysics or microtechnology, Candidates should be able to work in a collaborative manner. If you are interested please apply with your CV and provide details about your studies and previous work. Located in Strasbourg, France, the IGBMC is one of the top biomedical centers in Europe. Knowledge of the French language is not required.



