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時間:2014-03-26來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi
The requirements of mass reduction in the automotive industry are driving the substitution of metallic structures by lighter fiber-reinforced composite ones. Most of the body-in-white structural parts are designed so as to sustain crash. The modeling and simulation using finite elements to describe the mechanics of crash of composite structures is not CPU efficient and requires a substantial amount of time for material characterization.


In order to minimize dynamic characterization, increase the simulation CPU efficiency and therefore the possibility of optimize crashworthiness of parts, the project will aim at: Developing and implementing a numerical scheme based on discontinuous moving boundaries Identifying the internal functions of the numerical scheme Realizing tests at material and structural scales Validating the scheme for crash-boxes optimization The Post-Doctoral candidate should have a strong background in Computational Mechanics and Numerical Modeling. A knowledge in composite materials and dynamic/crash of composites mechanics would be a plus. The position is part of the program of the Faurecia’s Chair (Industrial Composites for Automotive Applications). Location: Research Institute in Civil Engineering and Mechanics (GeM), Centrale Nantes, France Duration: 18 months Co-Advisors: Prof. Christophe Binetruy, Prof. Sebastien Comas-Cardona and Prof. Nicolas Moes




