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時間:2014-03-28來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Post-doctoral position in Vascular Biology : Copenhagen, Denmark

Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, 
University of Copenhagen

An 18 month position is available at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Section of Heart and Circulatory research with starting date June 1st or as soon as possible thereafter.

The Department of Biomedical Sciences (BMI) conducts research that seeks to ensure the continued exploration and understanding of organ systems, pathology, pathophysiology and pharmacology. The Department is an important factor in basic research from a clinical perspective aimed at improving diagnostics and patient therapies. Department research is therefore often carried out in cooperation with clinical researchers and departments. For more information please see http://bmi.ku.dk/english/ .
For more information about the ion channel group see: www.ionchannel.ku.dk

Job/Study Description
The PhD project will be carried out in the Ion Channel Group headed by Prof. Søren-Peter Olesen under supervision by Prof. Iain Greenwood. The main focus of the study is to investigate the role of KCNQ-encoded K+ channels and TMEM16A-encoded chloride channels in the control of arterial contraction and will be focussed primarily on the coronary circulation. The technical focuses will be on ion channel electrophysiology and ex vivo pharmacology.

A relevant PhD within the field of smooth muscle physiology, vascular biology or ion channel physiology

The appointee should have qualifications within 1 or more of the following areas:
• Ion channels
• Ex vivo pharmacology
• Electrophysiology
• Vascular Biology

We offer stimulating working conditions in an international research environment and close collaboration with both other academic environments and private companies. Prof Greenwood also runs a laboratory in St George’s, University of London and it is expected that some studies will be undertaken in London.

Motivated candidates are encouraged to apply.

Terms of employment
The successful candidate will be offered full-time positions for a period of 18 months, contingent on a satisfactory performance, with the specific intent that it results in high quality outputs including scientific publications and conference presentation.

General reference is made to the ministerial order on the employment of scientific staff at Danish universities – at www.ubst.dk .
The gross basic salary range for Postdoctoral Fellows is approximately DKK 33,000 per month (level 6 to 8). A supplement may be negotiated in addition to the basic salary but this is dependent on the candidate’s experience and qualifications. An additional 17.1% monthly contribution to pension will be paid by the employer.

How to apply
Apply by clicking "Apply online" below. Please note that only online applications will be accepted.

Applications – in English – must include:
• Cover letter
• Curriculum vitae including a complete publication list
• Documentation for a completed masters including grades
• Documentation and date for completed PhD degree.

The closing date for applications is 23.59pm, 1st of April 2014. Applications received later than this date will not be considered.

The applicant will be assessed according to the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation Executive Order no 284 of 25. April 2008.

Further inquiries about the positions can be obtained by contacting Associate professor Iain Greenwood e-mail greenwood@sund.ku.dk. Any questions regarding the application process or administrative queries of any kind should be directed to Academic Officer Sara Barazi, e-mailbarazi@sund.ku.dk.

The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences comprises approximately 7500 students, 1500 PhD students and 3200 employees. The Faculty advances the field of health sciences through its core activities: research, teaching, knowledge sharing and communication. With basic research fields ranging from molecular studies to studies of society, the Faculty contributes to a healthy future through its graduates, research findings and inventions benefitting patients and the community. The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the surrounding community and invites all regardless of personal background to apply for the position.


