Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience : Toronto, Canada
Job details
- Employer:University of Toronto
- Website:
- Location:100 St George Street, Department of Psychology, Toronto, Canada
- Expires:June 02, 2014
- Job type:Postdoctoral
- Salary:Unspecified
- Qualifications:Postgraduate - Doctorate/PhD
- Employment type:Contract
- Job hours:Full-time
A full‐time postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Morgan Barense ( at the Department of Psychology of the University of Toronto. The successful applicant will work on projects related to the neural and cognitive mechanisms supporting memory and high-level perception. We use diverse methodological approaches, including the examination of brain activity with neuroimaging (e.g., fMRI and EEG), the investigation of cognitive impairments in neurological patients (e.g., MTL amnesics, MCI and semantic dementia patients), and behavioural experiments in healthy individuals.
We seek applicants with (1) a Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience, psychology, or a related field, (2) a solid grounding in fMRI research, (3) strong computer programming and statistical skills, and (4) a promising publication record. Previous work with clinical populations and experience interpreting neuropsychological data are also desirable.
Initial appointment is for one year, renewable for an additional two years contingent upon excellent performance. Salary will be in line with University post‐doctoral stipend levels. The start date is flexible, but we seek to fill the position by early autumn.
Please apply by sending a CV, statement describing research interests and relevant background, up to three sample publications, and the contact details of three referees to Please direct inquiries to this address. Review of applications will begin June 2nd and continue until the position is filled….