Texas A&M University
College Station TX USA
Specialties: ES - Environmental/Stress Physiology,MB - Molecular Biology/Gene Regulation,

Other Specialties: Systems biology, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, Chloroplast transformation

Application Instructions: Please contact Joshua S. Yuan at syuan@tamu.edu
Related Web Site: http://people.tamu.edu/~syuan

Job Type: Postdoctoral

One or more postdoctoral researcher positions are immediately available at the Institute for Plant Genomics and Biotechnology and Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology in Texas A&M University. The position will focus on plant metabolic engineering of terpene production using latest plant synthetic biology approaches. Knowledge and expertise in photosynthesis and terpene biosynthesis are preferred, but not required. The lab is equipped with the latest LC/MS/MS platforms for proteomics and metabolite analysis platforms. We also have basic molecular biology and protein biochemistry set ups. The team also has diverse background and track record in analytical chemistry, plant genomics, bioinformatics, biochemistry and such, which enables the multidisciplinary research and the establishment of latest platforms. In addition, the general lab environment is collaborative, friendly, and constructive. College Station is a great place to live, offering small town environment near to the major cities. We are seeking highly motivated and productive scientists with suitable background. Salary is commensurate with experience. Full scale state employee benefits will be provided in general. If you are interested in such a position, please don’t hesitate to contact Joshua Yuan at syuan@tamu.edu.