Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC) at Karolinska Institutet conducts research and teaching in immunology, infection biology, cell biology and cancer. MTC has about 430 active employees, including 100 PhD students, 50 postdoctoral researchers and 26 professors. Key words are multidisciplinary, bridging, translational, national and international collaborations.
Research group
In Professor Yihai Cao’s research group we are studying mechanisms of angiogenesis in promoting tumor growth and metastasis. We are particularly interested in clinically related scientific issues including identification of reliable biomarkers that predict therapeutic outcomes of antiangiogenic drugs, overcoming drug resistance, timeline issues of antiangiogenic therapy and development of more effective therapeutics.
The doctoral education project and the duties of the student
We are looking for a highly motivated Ph.D. candidate to join our research laboratory in the field of cancer research. Our project involves a broad experimental methodologies spanning from molecular biology to animal disease models.
The candidate should have strong background in molecular biology, cell biology, cancer biology, vascular biology and disease knowledge. He/she should be a highly motivated, dedicated, energetic, critic and problem-resolving student.
A probation period of 6 months applies before Ph.D. registration.
*Entry requirements for doctoral education at KI
To be eligible for doctoral education following requirements has to be met:
General entry requirements
A person meets the general entry requirements for doctoral/third-cycle/PhD education (according to Higher Education Ordinance Chapt 7, section 39) if he/she:
1.has been awarded advanced/second-cycle/master qualification (i.e. master degree) or
2.has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle/master level, or
3.has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.
Specific entry requirements
Proficiency in English equivalent to the course English B/English 6 at Swedish upper secondary school:
Proficiency in the English language can be documented by an internationally recognized test such as TOEFL or IELTS, see web-link below for more information.
Applicants who meet the general entry requirements (1 or 2 above) from a university in one of the Nordic countries fulfill the requirements in English.
For more information regarding general and specific entry requirements:
Assessment criteria
A selection will be made among qualified applicants on the basis of the ability to benefit from doctoral education. Karolinska Institutet uses the following bases of assessment:
- Documented subject knowledge of relevance to the area of research
- Analytical skill
- Other documented knowledge or experience that may be relevant to doctoral studies in the subject
The qualifications of the applicants will be evaluated on an overall basis.
Terms and conditions
The most common way of financial support for doctoral students at KI is doctoral grant the first year and a doctoral studentship (doctoral employment) for year 2, 3 and 4. During the time between recruitment and admission a short-term employment can be offered for up to 6 months.
*Application process
An application must contain the following documents in Swedish or English:
•A personal letter and curriculum vitae
•A copy of degree certificates and associated certificates
•A copy of degree projects and any previous publications
The application is to be submitted on the NetRecruiter system.