In the context of a newly funded Emmy Noether Research Group (Group leader: Dr. Jan Peters) at the Institute for Systems Neuroscience, University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany, one Postdoc position is available starting October 1st (or later). The group examines normal and pathological decision-making using a combination of fMRI, pharmacology and computational approaches.
We are searching for enthusiastic candidates with a strong interest in cognitive neuroscience and a PhD in (cognitive) neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, biology or a related discipline. Prior experience with fMRI and/or computational modelling is highly appreciated. Furthermore, candidates are expected to have substantial programming skills (e.g. Matlab/R/Python) and advanced statistical knowledge.
The position is initially available for 2 years with the possibility of extension for at least 1 year. The institute provides an excellent multi-disciplinary and interactive research environment with a research-dedicated 3T MRI scanner, EEG/MEG facilities and behavioural labs.
Interested candidates should submit their application as a single PDF document (including CV, publication list, contact details of two references and a short statement of research interests) via email.