Our research is focused on identifying and evaluating the functional impact of genetic and epigenetic markers of Alzheimer’s disease.
Areas of interest are:
1) Genes within biological pathways relevant to AD pathogenesis and their association with known cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers, such as Abeta and Tau. So far we have identified multiple genetic variants associated with cerebrospinal fluid apoE, APP, Abeta or tau levels. Next, using statistical methods and bioinformatics we will investigate possible combinatorial associations between these variants in AD.
2) Assocations between non-coding RNA levels and AD. So far, in a small pilot study, we identified one plasma microRNA that was uniquely present in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Next, we will measure microRNA levels in another larger cohort and study the functional impact of AD specific microRNA on gene regulation.
3) Disruption of normal function by genetic variants. In this work our lab produces libraries of genetic variants. These libraries are used to study how these variants might disrupt normal function or how certain small molecules might correct this disruption of function.
There is no treatment that stops cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. Biomarker research is critical for the development of treatments that will prevent or cure Alzheimer’s disease.
This postdoctoral position will provide a unique multidisciplinary exposure to Alzheimer’s disease genetics. This research is supported by the National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging.
The candidate should have a recently obtained a PhD degree in a relevant discipline such as statistical genetics or molecular biology. Candidates must have excellent spoken and written English. Candidates with an interest in the position should send an email to Dr. Bekris (bekrisl@ccf.org) with their CV in PDF format and a separate one page cover letter (in PDF format) that contains a brief summary of previous research and future goals. Please include names and email addresses for 3 references in the cover letter….