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時間:2014-08-21來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Researcher : Toulouse, France

Within STROMALab unit (http://stromalab.fr; UMR 5273 CNRS/U1031 INSERM/EFS) located in Toulouse, France (headed by Pr Louis Casteilla), our research group (team 2 headed by Dr Luc Sensébé) is focused on phenotypic and functional characterization of adult stem/stromal cells from bone marrow and adipose tissue, their in vivo localization and their role in tissue regeneration mechanisms. For a new research program supported by anEFS grant, team 2 is recruiting for 2 years a researcher at postdoctoral level. The recruited person will be in charge of a program dedicated to the study of pericytes and mesenchymal stem/stromal cells deriving from bone marrow and adipose tissues. The aim of the project is to find the relationship between these two types of cells, to assess their regeneration properties in vivo (using immuno-deficient mice models) and to determine the molecular mechanisms leading to these functions.
A strong background in cell cultures and in vivo studies is required. Knowledge on mesenchymal stem/stromal cells, perivascular cells, molecular & vascular biology, and signal transduction is desirable but not mandatory.


