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歐洲ELI Beamlines光束線研究中心招收博后

時間:2014-08-21來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi
he ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) Project is an integral part of the European plan to build the next generation of large research facilities. ELI-Beamlines as a cutting edge laser facility is currently being constructed in Prague, Czech Republic; its commissioning is scheduled for end of 2017. ELI will be delivering ultra-short, ultra-intense laser pulses lasting typically a few tens of femtoseconds (100 fs) with peak power projected to reach 10 PW. It will make available time synchronized laser beams over a wide range of intensities for multi-disciplinary applications in physics, medicine, biology, material science etc. The high laser electric field intensities of the laser pulse will be also used for generating secondary sources of e- and p+ and high-energy photons.


