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時(shí)間:2014-09-04來(lái)源:中國(guó)博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral fellow positions at IOR–Lab of Dr A. Alimonti

Identification of novel regulators of PTEN loss induced cellular senescence and characterization of senescence surveillance in tumors

The Lab of Dr. Alimonti at IOR – Institute of Oncology Research (http://www.ior.iosi.ch) has available position as Postdoctoral fellows

We are looking for highly motivated researchers with a PhD or equivalent degree. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work on one of several open projects involving the characterization of a novel type of senescence response, identification of mechanisms involved in senescence bypass in vivo, characterization of the immune response associated to senescence in tumors and identification of novel pro-senescence compounds for cancer therapy.

Specific projects include:
•Chemogenomic screens for identification of senescence regulators and novel pro-senescence compounds.
•Understanding the immune response in senescence tumors 
•Generation of novel prostate cancer mouse models

Note that the salary for this position is highly competitive, the lab is publishing in relevant journals (e.g. Nature), therfore only exceptional cndidate will be evaluated

Candidate requirements

•Ph.D or M.D./Ph.D. (already obtained or soon-to-be), with at least one first author publication in a relevant journal
•Highly motivated person with strong interest in science research.
•Interactive person, with ability to work independently.
•Good communication skills, and fluency in English is required.
•Strong background in molecular biology and/or immunology is required
•Experience using mouse models and /or generation of mouse model is highly desirable.

The IOR is affiliated to leading SwissUniversities and Research Centers and it is part of the Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI). The IOR provide excellent core facilities, competitive salary and support structures, including automated microscopy systems, FACS scan and sorting facility, next generation sequence and animal facilities

For inquiry regarding this job please contact Andrea Alimonti via email:andrea.alimonti@ior.iosi.ch

Complete applications, inclusive of curriculum vitae, two references, and short description of previous training and work experience should be sent by mail or email to the following address:



