We seek a motivated postdoctoral researcher with a background in genomics and developmental biology. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to work in a collaborative environment at the National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRA) in Rennes, France.
Our long-term goal is to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying oocyte developmental competence using a zebrafish model. We have initiated a large-scale RNAseq approach to draw the molecular portrait of a developmentally competent oocyte with the objectives of studying the maternal contribution to early developmental success. In parallel, we use knock out and knock down approaches to analyze the specific role of selected maternal mRNAs. We are currently tackling several exciting questions related to oocyte developmental competence and maternal-effect gene evolution in vertebrates.
Priority will be given to applicants with hands-on experience with reproductive or developmental biology and transcriptomic data analysis. Experience from relevant biological fields and familiarity with bioinformatics is desirable. Previous experience with next-generation sequencing is a merit.
Excellent communicative skills are required, including fluency in oral and written English. Your application should contain a short cover letter (0.5-1 page), two references with contact information, CV, and bibliography.
Project will be supervised by Julien Bobe. Recent publications include: Bouleau et al, Biology of Reproduction 2014, Berthelot et al, Nature Communications 2014, Juanchich et al, Biology of Reproduction 2013, Charlier et al BMC genomics 2012….