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時間:2014-09-11來源:中國博士人才網 作者:91boshi

Postdoc in Formal Methods in Computer Science

Technical University of Denmark - DTU Compute

DTU Compute represents a unique combination of mathematics and computer science, including competencies in information processing in the broadest sense, and in the development of modern computer based systems.

Consequently, DTU Compute is in an ideal position to utilize the synergies arising at the crossroads between IT and mathematics, and we are therefore well positioned to address the challenges of the digital society.

The scientific areas of DTU Compute cover theory, technology and engineering applications, ranging from fundamental research to innovative products and public sector consultancy. We drive technology and abstract engineering challenges as mathematical models enabling analysis, design, synthesis and simulations. We communicate mathematical and computational results to society at large and gain valuable insights from which new research questions emerge. 

Responsibilities and tasks
DTU Compute would like to invite applications for one or two postdoc positions starting early 2015 (subject to negotiation). The project is financed by the IDEA4CPS centre funded by the Danish Foundation for Basic Research.

The IDEA4CPS centre conducts research and develops mathematically well-founded and coherent models, methods, and tools that may serve as the foundation of a model-driven design methodology for cyber-physical systems. This means that design decisions, analysis, simulation, testing, code generation, etc. are always based upon models that reflect the relevant aspects of the design. This requires methods to maintain, manipulate, analyse and transform models in a coherent and meaningful way. With this call we are particularly interested in candidates that can interact with our research within one of the following areas:

  • The development of quantitative and qualitative models and analyses for security.
  • The development and implementation of quantitative analysis techniques for multi-criteria problems related to safety, security and performance.

Candidates must have a PhD in Computer Science with emphasis on the use of formal methods. Excellent communication skills in English are essential.

Salary and terms of employment
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed with the relevant union.

The period of employment is 1 year (subject to negotiation) with the possibility of an extension to 2 years.

Further information
Further information concerning the available positions can be obtained from Professor Flemming Nielson, fnie@dtu.dk

Application procedure:
To apply, please read the full job advertisement at Jobs and career at DTU.

Application deadline: 29th October 2014.

DTU Compute conducts research and education in the fields of mathematics and computer science. The consistently expanding mass of information and the increasingly complex use of advanced technology in society demand development of advanced computer based mathematical models and calculations. The unique competences of the department are in demand in IT innovation and production.

DTU is a technical university providing internationally leading research, education, inno- vation and public service. Our staff of 5,700 advance science and technology to create innovative solutions that meet the demands of society; and our 10,000 students are educated to address the technological challenges of the future. DTU is an independent academic university collaborating globally with business, industry, government, and public agencies.


