Area of responsibilities/description of the work:
The Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, has an opening for one postdoc position focusing on functional characterization of genes involved in obesity and type 2 diabetes-related traits using cell-based techniques.
The work will be done in the research group of Prof. Erik Ingelsson, who leads the section of Molecular Epidemiology at the Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University in collaboration with the research group of Prof. Jan Eriksson.
We have identified hundreds of novel susceptibility loci for obesity, lipid levels, glucose and insulin metabolism, and T2D, but the causal gene and mechanisms are unknown for all but a handful of these loci. In the present project, we will use in vitro studies of candidate genes to assess their role in glucose- and insulin metabolism at a cellular level.
We will use siRNA and CRISPR-Cas9 techniques for gene knockdown in adipocytes and skeletal myocytes to study glucose, insulin and lipid metabolism, gene expression and metabolic pathways. Cellular readouts will include basal and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, insulin signaling, lipolysis and adipogenesis.
To qualify, the applicants must hold a doctor’s degree or a foreign qualification deemed equivalent to a doctorate. Postgraduates who have yet to graduate may apply if their public defense is scheduled to take place within three months after the application deadline, in which case verification from the Dissertation Committee or equivalent body must be submitted with the application.
Prior experience with cell and molecular biology techniques (culture of primary and transformed cell lines, transfection, siRNA, etc), gene editing (bacterial cell culture, cloning, CRISPR-Cas9), real-time PCR,immunoblotting , FACS, ELISA, fluorescent and/or confocal microscopy is
considered favourable. Further experience with metabolic diseases and the cellular readouts listed above is an advantage.
Project employment for one year with a possible extension for a second year.
For further information regarding the position; please contact Professor Erik Ingelsson (
The following documents must be submitted with your application and written in English or Swedish:
1. A full CV, including date of public defense, title of thesis, previous academic appointments, academic title, current position, academic distinctions and committee work;
2. A full publication list;
3. A brief statement (maximum 1 page) of research interests and goals;
4. Verification from the Dissertation Committee or equivalent body (only if you are planning to defend your thesis within three months after the application deadline);
5. Transcripts of grades from previous education;
6. Names and contact information of three references.
Please note that one copy of all documents will be kept by the university for a period of two years, in accordance with a directive from the National Archives. Unpublished material submitted for review is exempt from this rule.