The Institute of Experimental Neuroregeneration ( ) is offering a postdoc position in the field of experimental spinal cord injury.
The Institute is housed at the Paracelsus
Medical University (Salzburg, Austria) and is part of the young and dynamic Spinal Cord Injury and Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS, ).
PostDoc for „Experimental Spinal Cord Injury“,
(40h, Full time)
Demands & Tasks
The candidate is expected to develop and supervise projects focussing on regenerative strategies, in particular stem cell based, for spinal cord injuries in pre-clinical models. The candidate is expected to possess knowledge in spinal cord injury models such as wire-knife transection and contusion.
Experience in functional and behavioural assessments as well as histological techniques are expected. The candidates should be proficient in English.
The position is available from the 1st of Jan 2015 for a period of two years with a third year in option.
The gross yearly remuneration is about 48 000 € (pre-tax, 40h/week).