We offer a two years Fixed-term contract for a Post-doctoral Researcher.
INSERM U1019: Centre for Infection and Immunity of Lille. Team 8: Lung Infection and Innate Immunity
The research group currently focuses on the basic principles underlying the immune response to cancer and to further understand these processes at the cellular and molecular level, with particular emphasis on the role of innate-like T cells.
We are currently seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join the team. Ideally the applicant will have training in tumor immunology and be familiar with mouse models. The project focus will be in breast and colon cancers. France wide collaborations with other scientists and clinicians have already been initiated.
Applicant should possess a relevant PhD with a strong background in tumor immunology, particularly in the area of innate immune system. Experience with animal experimentation (including a valid certificate), cell culture, molecular biology and flow cytometry is essential and ability to supervise staff and/or students is desired.
Contact :
Applications should be sent to the following email address: christophe.paget@inserm.fr
Application package should include a résumé, a cover letter and two letters of recommendation