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時間:2014-09-28來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

postdocotral fellow in stem cell research : Madison, WI, United States


A Postdoctoral Fellow position is available at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to study molecular regulation of neural stem cell fate. Using a combination of molecular, cellular, genetics, and imaging methods, my laboratory investigates how epigenetic and post-transcriptional mechanisms control the fate of neural stem cells and neuronal development, as demonstrated by our recent publications (J. Cell Biology, Cell Stem Cell; PLoS Genetics; Stem Cells; J. Neurosci; Nature Medicine; Neuron; Nature Protocols, Human Molecular Genetics, etc). For more information, go to this website:http://neuro.wisc.edu/faculty/zhao.asp). Our lab is part of the UW Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center (http://stemcells.wisc.edu/).

This position is for a highly motivated NEW PhD graduate (graduated after summer 2012) who aims to develop an independent research career. The person needs to have strong background in molecular biology and genetics. The person should have published first-authored primary research papers in internationally recognized journals during PhD training. In addition to leading research projects, the person will receive trainings that are critical for future science jobs, including grant/fellowship application and student supervision. If interested, please email your cover letter stating career goals, CV, contact information of at least 3 references, and electronic (PDF) files of first-authored publications to Dr. Zhao: xzhao69@wisc.edu.


