Università Bocconi, Milan (Italy, www.unibocconi.eu) invites applications for tenure-track and postdoc positions at the junior faculty level in the Department of Decision Sciences for the areas of: • Applied Mathematics/Optimization • Applied Statistics and Econometrics • Decision Theory and Game Theory (theoretical and experimental) •Decision Analysis and Risk Analysis • Probability and Theoretical Statistics • Quantitative Methods for Operations Research and related fields. Application must be submitted online at www.unibocconi.eu/jobmarket by January 15, 2015. Candidates who want to be interviewed at the 2014 INFORMS meeting, in San Francisco, November 09-12, 2014, must send their applications by October 22nd, 2014. Candidates who want to be interviewed at the 2015 ASSA meeting in Boston, January 3-5, 2015, must send their applications by December 1, 2014.
Università Bocconi, Milan (Italy, www.unibocconi.eu) invites applications for tenure-track and postdoc positions at the junior faculty level in the Department of Decision Sciences. There will be a special emphasis for the areas of: • Applied Mathematics/Optimization • Applied Statistics and Econometrics • Decision Theory and Game Theory (theoretical and experimental) •Decision Analysis and Risk Analysis • Probability and Theoretical Statistics • Quantitative Methods for Operations Research and related fields. Knowledge of Italian is neither required nor advantageous. Responsibilities include teaching and, most importantly, productivity in research. Preference will be given to the most qualified candidates independently of their specific field of research. Applicants should have— or be close to completing —a Ph.D. and proof of having established potential in research and teaching. Contracts will run for up to eight years (with one paid sabbatical year and subject to renewal after the first three years). There is the possibility of promotion to a tenured position by the end of that period. Compensation and teaching load will be competitive with other top European Schools. Application must be submitted online at www.unibocconi.eu/jobmarket Applications must be received by January 15, 2015. Candidates whose fields of interest are in the broad area of Operations Research and Management Science may be interviewed at the 2014 INFORMS meeting, to be held in San Francisco, November 09-12, 2014. Such candidates must send their applications by Wednesday October 22nd, 2014 through the online form at: www.unibocconi.eu/jobmarket. Candidates whose fields of interest are in Decision Theory and Game Theory (theoretical and experimental) and related fields may be interviewed at the 2015 ASSA meeting in Boston, January 3-5, 2015. Such candidates must send their applications by December 1, 2014 through the online form at: www.unibocconi.eu/jobmarket為防止簡歷投遞丟失請抄送一份至:boshijob@126.com(郵件標題格式:應聘職位名稱+姓名+學歷+專業(yè)+中國博士人才網)