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時間:2014-10-21來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

The CEA (Commisariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), in order to sustain its research activities on Genetics and Personalized Medicine is initiating a new flagship program at the frontier between biology and information technologies. As part of this iniative, the CEA/CNG(Centre Nationalde Genotypage, Evry) is offering a postdoctoral position to develop computational approaches/pipelines to integrate and analyse large scale genomics data for diagnostic purposes.

Following recent advances in high throughput sequencing, it is expected that, in the near future, more and more individuals will have their whole genome extracted, stored and analyzed in a routine fashion. Although this perspective is full of promises in terms of personalized preventive and curative medicine, as well as medical research, it raises different technological and methodological challenges to be solved before genome sequencing being a routine diagnostic solution. In this context, the CEA aims to develop a platform to analyze, store and process the genomes able to scale up with the growth of the generated data. The postdoctoral holder will define and participate to the development of an analytical workflow to interpret whole genome sequencing. He will have to :
- Define an analytical workflow (pipelines) to predict diagnostic status based on sequencing and defined markers. For this task, he will have to explore impact of technological biases on the clinical predictions (sequencing coverage issues, reproducibilty issues) and uncertainty about clinically reportable findings.
- Build a reference genotype/phenotype knowledge database by integrating and curating different resources (pubmed, HGMD, clinVar, Omim, Cosmics…).
- Implement, in collaboration with bioinformaticians from the CNG (Centre National de Génotypage, Evry) and mathematicians from the LIST, a full prototype demonstrating robustness, scalability, and security. 
The position is located at Evry (CEA, Centre National de Genotypage). Successful candidates will join a young and multidisciplinary bioinformatics team playing a central role in the development of novel genomics approaches. The postdoc will be engaged into active collaborations with fundamentals (math, statistics, computational) groups located at Palaiseau (about 30 kms).
We are seeking individuals with a strong background in genomics and/or computer sciences, and expertise with biological data-handling, modeling, and bioinformatics. Additional background in clinical genetics would be appreciated.
Candidates with a strong qualification and experience can also be eligible to the CEA Enhanced Eurotalents program funded by the European Commission and operated by CEA to promote and to support the mobility of scientists.



