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時間:2014-11-13來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi
Interested in working on some of the largest supercomputers in the world? Would you like to help model, analyze, and design the next generation of extreme scale systems and their workloads? Then come join the Performance Engineering team at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility to design and development new approaches to performance evaluation and performance analysis of scientific and data-centric workloads. The successful candidate will draw on knowledge of high performance computing, computational science, compilers and runtime systems, and optimization techniques, to introduce new methods and tools that substantially improve the performance of a range of computational science and data-centric workloads that can be addressed by exascale computing. You will also partner with computational science teams, other high-performance computing centers or tool development efforts to address common challenges of the pre-exascale era.



