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時間:2015-01-22來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Supervisor 1: Dagmar Scheel-Toellner

Supervisor 2: Karim Raza

Applications are invited for a 3-year MRC-funded PhD Studentship starting October 2015.

We have recently identified a pro-inflammatory B cell population in the joints of RA patients (1). These cells express high levels of destructive cytokines RANKL and TNFa mRNA as well as high levels of costimulatory molecules. Their immunophenotype showed that they are activated B cells characterized by surface expression of FcRL4 (2). Due to their expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and their capacity for co-stimulation, we consider these cells as a promising therapeutic target. We have recently been awarded a prestigious MRC DPFS grant allowing us to further research these cells.

In collaboration with researchers at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, we have have cloned and expressed the variable region genes as recombinant antibodies reflecting the antigen specificity of FcRL4+ and FcRL4- B cells. We will use a dual approach for this studentship: we will investigate the consequences of removal of FcRL4+ B cells from synovial tissue and investigate which antigens they recognize.

Specifically we plan to use the following approach:

1) We will investigate the antigen specificity of recombinant antibodies clones generated from FcRL4+ and FcRL4- synovial B cells.

2) At a later stage of the project we will deplete FcRL4+ B cells from tissue explants and track the consequences on T cell activity and cytokine production.

The combination of clinical and basic science expertise in the new Centre for Translational Inflammation Research (CTIR) with its excellent technical facilities and access to patient material is an ideal environment for PhD projects with a translational angle.

Person Specification

Applicants should have a strong background in Immunology. They should have a commitment to research of inflammatory diseases and hold or realistically expect to obtain at least an Upper Second Class Honours Degree in a relevant subject. 

How to apply

Enquiries and applications should be directed to v.b.harrison@bham.ac.uk. To apply, please send:

  • A Detailed CV, including your nationality and country of birth;
  • Names and addresses of two referees;
  • A covering letter highlighting your research experience/capabilities;
  • Copies of your degree transcripts;
  • Evidence of your proficiency in the English language, if applicable.

Funding Notes

(Max 100 Words) [optional] Include any specific eligibility requirements here.

To be eligible for a full MRC/College Studentship award (stipend and university fees) you must have:

  • Settled status in the UK.
  • Been ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK for three years prior to the start of the studentship.
  • Not been residing in the UK wholly or mainly for the purpose of full-time education. (This does not apply to UK or EU nationals).

Students from EU countries other than the UK are generally eligible for a fees-only award. To be eligible for a fees-only award, a student must be ordinarily resident in a member state of the EU.

References [optional]

1) Yeo L, H Lom, M Juarez, M Snow, CD Buckley, A Filer, K Raza, D Scheel-Toellner.. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Jan 15. Highlighted in Nature Reviews in Rheumatology

2) Yeo, L, K-M Toellner, M Salmon, A Filer, C D Buckley, K Raza and D Scheel-Toellner. (2011) Ann Rheum Dis. Highlighted in Nature Reviews in Rheumatology.



