Postdoctoral positions are available from July 2015 in the laboratory of Duncan Smith, in New York University's Center for Genomics and Systems Biology. The lab is broadly interested in genome integrity and epigenetics, with ongoing projects investigating mechanisms of DNA replication, damage tolerance, and epigenetic inheritance in budding yeast. Further information on projects etc. can be found at

The ideal candidate will have a strong background in molecular biology, as well as at least some experience in (or a strong desire to learn) simple bioinformatic analysis of NGS data. At present we work exclusively in budding yeast, but there is scope to expand into additional model organisms as dictated by the needs of specific projects.

Benefits such as medical/dental/retirement/tuition remission are available to qualified applicants, see (code 103). Funding is available for at least three years. NYU provides visa support, and post-doctoral housing within easy walking distance of the lab may be available for up to three years. 

To apply for this position, please send your CV and contact details for at least three references. Please also include a letter of interest describing your background, your research interests, and your intended career trajectory. We are looking for one or more postdocs to enrich our lab with scientific creativity and new skills.