Assistant Professor in Inorganic Energy Materials
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin - School of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science
Sami Nassr Institute of Advanced Materials
Trinity College Dublin
The University of Dublin
College Green
Dublin 2
This appointment will be made on the Lecturer salary scale at a point in line with current Government pay policy
Closing Date:
12 Noon on Monday 31st of August 2015
Please note that interviews are likely to take place in late September/early October 2015.
Post Summary
The School of Chemistry is seeking to appoint an Assistant Professor in Inorganic Energy Materials. Applications are sought from candidates at an early stage in their career with proven potential for research excellence in synthetic Inorganic Chemistry and its application to the development of energy relevant materials. The appointee will be a full member of the academic staff member of the School and will be expected to contribute at all levels to teaching within the discipline of Inorganic & Synthetic Materials Chemistry and to interdisciplinary teaching, e.g. in Nanomaterials and Energy Science. The successful applicant will be able to avail of an outstanding environment for research and scholarly endeavour, and will be expected to engage with new research initiatives in the School of Chemistry and more broadly within CRANN, the Science Foundation Ireland-funded Institute for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices. S/he will have access to the state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities within the School of Chemistry, the Trinity Biomedical Research Institute (TBSI) and CRANN.
The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Chemistry or a related discipline and at least two years’ post-doctoral experience in any aspect of synthetic inorganic chemistry applicable to the development of energy relevant materials. Candidates with interdisciplinary research appropriate to developing new and existing collaborations in SNIAMS, CRANN, AMBER and TBSI and who can contribute to teaching in the School of Chemistry’s moderatorships in Chemistry and shared Nanomaterials moderatorship programme (with School of Physics) are encouraged to apply. The candidate should be at an early stage of her/his career, with demonstrated potential for research and teaching excellence.