We are interested in the discovery and mechanistic study of cell-surface receptors for orphan ligands of biological and medical interest. Receptors are among the most successful therapeutic targets in treating human diseases. Our research is not driven by a particular technique, but employs a range of techniques to answer important questions (e.g., mass spectrometry for discovery-driven projects, high-throughput screening for drug discovery, and animal models for in vivo validation). For example, our research team has developed innovative techniques to identify small molecule modulators of the new type of transmembrane receptors we discovered. A recent example is a new screening technique that can identify chemical compounds that mimic the actions of a protein that has broad therapeutic value in treating major blinding diseases and several types of cancer.
Please send a CV and contact information for three references by e-mail to:
Hui Sun, Ph.D.
Department of Physiology
Jules Stein Eye Institute
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
David Geffen School of Medicine
University of California
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Email: hsun@mednet.ucla.edu