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時(shí)間:2015-07-15來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral Research Assistant
1.0 FTE
Grade 7 point 29-32
Salary Scale £30,434 – £33,242
Fixed Term 36 months in the first instance (with the possibility of extension for a further 24 months)

Further Particulars

Job Title and Reporting 
Postdoctoral Research Assistant (1.0 FTE)

Grade of Post/Salary: Grade 7 / £30,434 – £33,242

Day to Day Reporting to: Dr Sara Brown

Reporting Line Manager: Dr Sara Brown

Staff Supervision: Research Technician and PhD student(s)

Duration of employment: 36 months in the first instance (dependent on a 12-month probationary period) with the possibility of extension for a further 24 months

Role Purpose

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position, funded by the Wellcome Trust, offering the opportunity to work with Dr Sara Brown, who was recently awarded a prestigious Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship in Clinical Science .Applicants must have a PhD in a biomedical or biological science and experience in molecular genetics.

Sara's work focuses on the investigation of genetic mechanisms in atopic eczema, using next generation sequencing of DNA and RNA, as well as organotypic skin culture in vitro to test candidate genes. As a clinical academic dermatologist, Sara's research is strongly translational and uses human samples throughout. The successful applicant will join a group comprising, in addition to Dr Brown, a highly experienced laboratory technician, postdoctoral bioinformatician and PhD student (to be appointed).

The Medical Research Institute represents a strong, multidisciplinary environment. The University of Dundee was awarded the highest possible grade in REF2014 for Impact in Clinical Medicine, which included Sara's previous work on the role of filaggrin in atopic disease. The skin research group spans the Medical School and the College of Life Sciences, including teams working on various genetic and malignant skin diseases.

Principal Duties

The Wellcome Trust-funded post holder will:
· Perform laboratory work including keratinocyte and fibroblast harvesting from human skin samples; DNAextraction and SNP genotyping; organotypic culture (with training); immunostaining, Western blotting; qPCR 
· Plan and manage their research activity, under the guidance of Dr Sara Brown, whilst contributing to the ethos of our collaborative and supportive team
· Be able to work to deadlines and meet targets, with careful attention to detail
· Participate in the development of novel methodologies for the assessment of eczema models in vitro
· Understand the importance of treating human samples with due diligence and respect
· Attend and contribute to weekly and monthly laboratory meetings
· Write up results for publication
· Present work at conferences in the UK and abroad, with training and support from the grant-holder
· Contribute to the supervision of PhD students, undergraduate students and observers within the laboratory
· Be willing to travel outwith Dundee for specialist training, if required (estimated 2 months maximum)
· Be willing to contribute and participate in public engagement work

Service Delivery

The post holder will deliver service in laboratory work, research management and presentation, as well as supervision of technical staff and students.


The post holder will require excellent communication skills for multidisciplinary team working and the presentation of preliminary data at internal meetings and research findings at national/international meetings as well as writing for publication. Depending on the level of experience, these duties will be carried our independently or with support and guidance from Dr Sara Brown.

Liaison & Networking

The post holder will liaise with collaborative groups within the UoD and other UK universities. Communication and collaborative work with the Tayside Tissue Bank is also required.

Decision Making, Planning and Problem Solving

The post holder will be expected to work in a team but taking independent decisions when appropriate to their level of experience. They will he required to plan their own workload and contribute to the supervised workload of other staff and students.

Team Development

The post holder will join our team of translational researchers, including clinical and non-clinical scientists. The Brown group also works closely with the lay public, in collaboration with the patient support group Eczema Outreach Scotland. Opportunities for innovative public engagement work will be provided and the post holder may participate according to their interest and skill-level.

Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience

· PhD in biological or biomedical science
· Experience in molecular genetic techniques, including PCR, SNP genotyping, RNA quantification, Western blotting and next generation sequencing
· Experience of cell culture and appropriate aseptic techniques 
· Ability to work independently with minimal supervision, but also operating as part of a team, where necessary, providing direction and guidance as required
· Demonstration of initiative and ability to conceive, design and execute appropriate well-controlled experiments and draw conclusions from the outcomes
· Excellent written/oral presentation skills
· Flexibility and willingness to work outwith regular hours as and when required

· Major contribution to at least one paper in a peer-reviewed journal
· Experience of working with primary keratinocytes
· Experience of next generation sequencing
· Experience of clinical translational research

Other requirements

Hepatitis B vaccination will be required for the conduct of this research, for occupational health and safety in working with human tissues.



