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時間:2015-08-17來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral Research Fellows : Hobart, Australia

The University of Tasmania's Faculty of Health has an international reputation for quality health professional education and research into the prevention and management of chronic diseases, particularly conditions associated with ageing. This is exemplified by success and recognition in our research theme Transforming health and ageing, and our strengths in Dementia, Neurosciences and Cognition, Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease, and Healthcare and Support Services. Our research and education is characterised by a multidisciplinary approach that brings together expertise from the disciplines of Nursing, Biomedical Science, Clinical Sciences, Exercise Science, Pharmacy, Psychology and Paramedicine.

The Faculty is seeking to appoint six outstanding Postdoctoral Research Fellows to further build research capacity and groups of national significance within the Schools of Health Sciences and Medicine. All positions will be on a fixed-term basis for a period of three years, with the successful appointees being required to take up the position as soon as possible.

As a Postdoctoral Research Fellow you will undertake research explicitly aligned with one or more of the Faculty research subthemes:
• Healthcare and Support Services
• Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease
• Neurosciences and Cognition
• Dementia

Prior to applying, applicants must consult the Associate Dean (Research) to identify a suitable research mentor and discuss a research proposal. The research proposal, of not more than two pages, must accompany the application upon submission. The proposed project will complement existing programmes of research being carried out within the Faculty and be undertaken under the guidance of the research mentor.

In the role you will:
• Undertake high-quality research aligned with at least one of the Faculty’s subthemes.
• Contribute to the research performance of the Faculty of Health through participating in the supervision of honours and higher degree research students, securing significant external competitive research funding, and the presentation and publication of research findings in quality journals.
• Contribute to the development and maintenance of productive and effective links inside the University, locally and nationally within the discipline, relevant interdisciplinary domains, profession, industry and/or wider community.
• Undertake limited scholarly undergraduate (and if relevant postgraduate) coursework teaching of a high quality.

To be considered, you will have: 
• A PhD or equivalent in a relevant field.
• A very good record, relative to opportunity, and continuing commitment to research that has achieved recognition and made worthwhile contributions to at least one of the Faculty’s research subthemes, demonstrated by a record of quality publications, presentations at conferences and preferably success in securing external competitive and other funding.
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills, particularly related to grant and scientific publication writing.
• For one vacancy, a background in nursing is desirable.

Appointment to this role will be at Academic Level B and will have a total remuneration package of up to $120,892 AUD comprising base salary within the range of $87,632 AUD to $103,327 AUD plus 17% superannuation.


