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時間:2015-08-19來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Scientist – Ocean–atmosphere modelling

Vacancy No.: VN15-41
Department: Research
Grade: A2
Section: Ensemble Prediction (EP)
Job Ref. No.: STF-PL/15-41
Reports to: Head of EP section
Closing Date: 3 September 2015

About ECMWF*

ECMWF is both a research institute and a 24/7 operational service, producing and disseminating numerical weather predictions to its Member States. ECMWF carries out scientific and technical research directed to the improvement of its forecasts, collects and processes large amounts of observations, and manages a long-term archive of meteorological data. Satellite and in situ observations provide the information for up-to-date global analyses and climate reanalyses of the atmosphere, ocean and land surface.

For details, see www.ecmwf.int/.

ECMWF is one of the 19 partners in the PRIMAVERA (PRocess-based climate sIMulation: AdVances in high-resolution modelling and European climate Risk Assessment) research project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union. The overarching goal of PRIMAVERA is to develop a new generation of advanced and well-evaluated high-resolution global models, capable of simulating and predicting regional climate with unprecedented fidelity.

Summary of the role

The ECMWF contribution to PRIMAVERA covers a number of research topics, including assessing the impact of resolution on the simulation of ocean and sea-ice variability; developing advanced sea-ice modules; and investigating the main drivers of European climate variability on a range of timescales. The successful candidate will work in the Research Department (RD) in close co­operation with a team of scientists involved in predictability and ocean modelling studies. He or she will be responsible for setting up and validating a low-resolution and a high-resolution version of the ECMWF coupled ocean-atmosphere model able to reproduce a realistic climate mean state and variability in multi-decadal simulations.

Main duties and key responsibilities

  • Test and validate the ECMWF coupled system for multi-decadal simulations, and define a model configuration which is suitable for the PRIMAVERA experiments at low and high resolution.
  • Test and implement a strategy for an efficient spin-up of the ocean state and the creation of initial conditions consistent with the model’s attractor.
  • Perform reference simulations with the coupled model for the historical period (1950–2013).
  • In collaboration with RD staff, implement a multi-category sea-ice model in the coupled system.
  • Test and implement strategies for regional relaxation of the ocean state towards observed conditions, in order to allow experiments for the estimation of remote influences on European climate.
  • Contribute to the scientific validation of reference and sensitivity experiments and its documentation in the scientific literature.

Personal attributes

  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills with a proactive approach
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Positive attitude towards working in an international environment

Qualifications and experience required


  • A university degree at PhD level in meteorology, oceanography or related Earth sciences, including a good physics and computational science background.
  • Experience
  • At least two years of research experience (at post-doc level) in numerical modelling of the atmosphere and/or the ocean and sea-ice.
  • Ability to work with complex numerical models and implement code modifications.
  • Familiarity with Fortran programming in parallel computing environments is desirable.
  • Language
  • Candidates must be able to work effectively in English and interviews will be conducted in English.
  • A good knowledge of one of the Centre’s other working languages (French or German) would be an advantage.

Other information

Grade remuneration

The successful candidate will be recruited at the A2 grade, according to the scales of the Co-ordinated Organisations and the annual basic salary will be £54,776 net of tax. This position is assigned to the employment category STF-PL as defined in the Staff Regulations.

Full details of salary scales and allowances are available on the ECMWF website at www.ecmwf.int/en/about/jobs, including the Centre’s Staff Regulations regarding the terms and conditions of employment.

Starting date: As soon as possible.

Length of contract: Three years, with the possibility of extension up to the end of the project (end of October 2019).

Location: The position will be based in the Reading area, in Berkshire, United Kingdom.

How to apply

Please apply by completing the online application form available at www.ecmwf.int/en/about/jobs.

ECMWF has an Equal Opportunities Policy and applications from all suitably qualified candidates are welcome.

Staff are usually recruited from among nationals of the Member States and Co-operating States.

Staff from non-ECMWF States may be considered in exceptional cases where there is a strong need for a particular competency.

* The ECMWF Member States are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

The ECMWF Co-operating States are Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Morocco, Romania and Slovakia.



