Leukemia and MDS Research - Postdoctoral Position in the Halene Laboratory at Yale University School of Medicine : New Haven, CT, United States
Research Areas: Myelodysplasia, Leukemia, Hematopoiesis, Alternative Splicing in Cancer, Xenotransplantation, Humanized Mice
Project Description: Determine the role of splicing factor mutations in hematologic malignancies.
The Halene Laboratory is located within the Hematology research space within the Yale School of Medicine. We focus on the study of MDS and AML as well as normal hematopoiesis. We are particularly interested in the role of the splicing factor SRSF2 in MDS/CMML and are in the process of developing and testing targeted therapeutics. In addition, we have developed a novel, highly efficient xenotransplantation model for MDS and AML that provides a unique platform to test therapeutic approaches for these diseases. We have vibrant local, national, and international collaborations with clinicians, basic scientists, and computational biologist and as a physician-scientist lab we favor a patient-focused approach.