Postdoctoral position in theoretical condensed matter physics
CFEL at DESY Germany
Interested candidates holding a PhD Degree or equivalent in theoretical condensed matter physics are invited to apply. Scientific excellence documented by a strong publication record, very good programming skills and extensive experience in ab-initio calculations (e.g., DFT, MD) are mandatory.
Applications (in English) including: (i) curriculum vitae, (ii) list of publications, (iii) copy of PhD certificate (with grade), (iv) two letters of reference should be sent per electronic mail to:
Prof. Dr. Beata Ziaja-Motyka
CFEL at DESY, Notkestrasse 85,
22607 Hamburg, Germany
The application deadline is 16 October 2015. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Expected position start is 1 April 2016. The position is limited to 2+1 years.