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時(shí)間:2015-09-17來源:未知 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral Position of Membrane Protein Structural Biology

East Lansing, Michiganstarting from $37,000


A postdoctoral research associate position in membrane protein structural biology/biochemistry is immediately available at the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Michigan State University. We are conducting structural biology study of membrane proteins important in medicine, by employing multidisciplinary approaches, primarily X-ray crystallography, as well as other biochemical/biophysical/cell biological methods. The laboratory is well funded to support the relevant research and the ongoing project focuses on zinc transporters. To get information of other ongoing projects, please visit our website (https://bmb.natsci.msu.edu/about/directory/faculty/jian-hu/).

The successful candidate must be highly self-motivated with Ph.D. in biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology or related fields. Hands-on experience in large scale protein production, ideally using mammalian cell expression system, and structural/functional characterization of the purified protein, are highly desirable. Experience in membrane protein study is a big plus. Experience in crystallography is not required. The position will be initially available for one year, with possible renewal based on mutual satisfaction.

Interested individuals should submit a brief cover letter, CV, and the names and the contact information of three referees to Dr. Jian Hu by email: hujian1@msu.edu.



