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時間:2015-09-21來源:未知 作者:91boshi

Post Doctoral Fellow - Weed Science

Job Description

The Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences (http://cses.auburn.edu/) at Auburn University is seeking candidates for the position of Post-Doctoral Fellow. This is a benefits eligible, non-tenure track position. The appointment is for an initial period of one year, with the possibility of renewal up to a maximum of a four year period depending on performance and funding availability. The expected start date is no later than January 1, 2016. 

Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be expected to design and conduct laboratory, greenhouse and field research trials in areas of: 1) problematic weed management in major row crops and pasture crops in Alabama; 2) vegetation management in non-crop areas; and 3) herbicide physiology, herbicide-crop-weed interaction, environmental fate and off-target movement. The incumbent will be expected to collect experiment data and conduct data analysis; generate reports to funding agencies and collaborators; present research results in local field day, extension meetings and scientific conferences; and prepare manuscripts for extension publications and peer-review journals. The incumbent will also share the responsibility to supervise graduate students and undergraduate student workers, manage experimental equipment and providing technical assistance to other weed science related studies. 

Qualifications: Minimum qualifications include an earned PhD degree in Crop Science, Agronomy, Weed Science, Plant Science, Horticulture or related discipline. The successful candidate must have an interest in weed science. Excellent communication skills, statistics skills, computer proficiency and data analysis are also required. Long working hours in field (12 hours or more in one day) and high physical demand during summer (working in high temperatures; lifting or carrying heavy equipment and bags; spraying with backpack and metal canisters, etc.) should be expected. The successful candidate must meet eligibility requirements for work in the United States at the time the appointment is scheduled to begin and continue working legally for the term of employment. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license and have the capability to drive for long distances (400-500 miles a day if needed).

Desired Qualifications include applied field research experiences and operational knowledge of laboratory analytical instruments, such as HPLC, GC or Scintillation counter. 

Application: Applicants must apply for the position electronically through http://aufacultypositions.peopleadmin.com/postings/1232 and submit the following: 1) current curriculum vita (maximum of two pages, 2) copies of all academic transcripts, 3) summary of past research projects (please specify your involvement and contribution in each project- maximum of three pages). When prompted during the on-line application process, please provide names, phone numbers and email addresses of three professional references. Only complete application materials will be considered. Active review of applications will begin on October 15, 2015, but the search will continue until the position is filled. 

For questions regarding the position, please contact Dr. Steve Li, Extension Weed Science Specialist and Assistant Professor, Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences, Auburn University at 334-844-3804 or by email: steveli@auburn.edu. 

The University: Auburn University is one the nation’s premier land-grant institutions. In the 2015 edition of U.S. News & World Report, it was ranked 48th among public universities in the United States. Auburn University has 1,184 full-time faculty and enrolls 26,714 students from all 50 states and nearly 100 countries, including 4,695 graduate students and 1,101 professional students. Auburn University is located in the city of Auburn in east-central Alabama approximately 100 miles southwest of Atlanta, GA and southeast of Birmingham, AL and is about 60 miles from the state capitol (Montgomery). Please visit www.auburn.edu for more information. 

Auburn University is an EEO/Vet/Disability Employer


