Post-doctoral position in genetic skin diseases
Alain Hovnanian research team (Genetic skin diseases : from disease mechanisms to treatments), Institut Imagine des maladies génétiques,INSERM UMR 1163, Hôpital Necker-enfants malades, Paris 15è
The laboratory is seeking for a postdoctoral fellow to work on inflammatory skin diseases. The project is funded for 3 years.
The aim of the project is to investigate the biological cascades involved in inflammatory skin diseases, with a focus on dysregulated proteolytic activity and their consequences on skin homeostasis and the immune system.
Netherton syndrome and other inflammatory skin diseases will be investigated, for which murine models and a biobank are available in the laboratory. Epidermal kallikrein-dependent signalisation cascades will be explored in particular, as well as the main biological axes in which they are involved (regulators and cellular effectors). Targeted approaches as well as transcriptomic and proteomic approaches will be used. The identification of therapeutic targets will lead to test therapeutic molecules in in cellulo and in vivo models already availabe in the laboratory, in the perspective of clinical applications.
The scientist will join a team of 5 persons working on this theme (2 other post-doctoral researchers and 2 research engineers) within a laboratory of 17 persons. The laboratory is part of the Imagine Institute in Paris, a recently launched INSERM research center dedicated to genetic diseases. The Imagine Institute is equipped with state-of-the-art technology platforms in genomics, bioinformatics, cell imaging, cell sorting and animal models. It accomodates research teams with a broad and complementary range of expertise in the different aspects of Cell Biology and Genetics.
We are looking for a highly motivated scientist with a solid background in skin biology, immunology, murine models, cell and molecular biology. Experience in the cultivation of primary human keratinocytes, immunostaining and cell sorting, real time quantitative PCR, proteolytic assays (gel and in situ zymography), « omics » and bioinformatic analysis would be advantageous.
Good leadership and relationship needed and also good supervising skill. Professional english proficiency is required