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時(shí)間:2015-12-30來(lái)源:未知 作者:91boshi
Postdoctoral fellowship in Diabetes & Metabolism Research Institute at City of Hope, Duate, CA, USA. (http://www.cityofhope.org/people/ben-hung-ping-shih)

In the context of a developmental biology and stem cell biology study, we offer one Post-Doc position for an outstanding, highly motivated, and creative experimental wet-lab biologist with strong skills in developmental biology and cell biology, as well as a clear interest in stem cell biology. Candidates must have a PhD in cell biology or bio-medical science related fields. Skills and experience with developmental biology and molecular biology are mandatory.

Ben Shih’s group at the City of Hope integrates the expertise of developmental and cell biologists, computer scientists and clinical research for an improved understanding of the molecule mechanisms coupling pancreas morphogenesis and cell differentiation. The successful candidate will use molecular/cell/developmental biology methods (microscopy, immuno-histochemistry, in-situ hybridisation, transcriptomics, mouse genetic models, ex-vivo cultures, etc.) to investigate how organ morphogenesis and cell differentiation are coupled by signaling pathways during pancreas development. The project will also use 3D culture methods to understand relevant signaling underlying cell-cell interactions coordinated by integrin signaling. Qualified candidates should have experience in maintaining model organisms with complex genetic background, cell and molecular biology as well as flow cytometry. Candidates must send their application– in the form of a single PDF file including a brief letter of interest, a CV, and contact information (not support letters) of two persons of reference – to Dr. Ben Shih (hshih@coh.org) in Department of Translational Research & Cellular Therapeutics, Diabetes & Metabolism Research Institute at City of Hope, Duate, CA, USA.

Minimum Education and Skills Required for Consideration:

• A Ph.D. degree in life or biomedical sciences, or a related discipline is required.

About City of Hope

City of Hope, an innovative biomedical research, treatment and educational institution with over 4000 employees, is dedicated to the prevention and cure of cancer and other life-threatening diseases and guided by a compassionate, patient-centered philosophy. Founded in 1913 and headquartered in Duarte, California, City of Hope is a remarkable non-profit institution, where compassion and advanced care go hand-in-hand with excellence in clinical and scientific research. City of Hope is a National Cancer Institute designated Comprehensive Cancer Center and a founding member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, an alliance of the nation’s 20 leading cancer centers that develops and institutes standards of care for cancer treatment.

City of Hope is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color national origin, sex, age, status as a protected veteran, or status as a qualified individual with disability.
City of Hope
Duarte, CA 
United States



