Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Durham University - Department of Music
A Postdoctoral Research Associate position is available to pursue research in the field of entrainment within Durham University’s Music Department. The position is associated with the project ‘Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance’, which is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and designed to explore the dynamics of interpersonal coordination in music performance, its perception, and its cross-cultural variability. The project includes two workshops at Durham and a final conference at Sydney, and also involves a number of visiting researchers staying for periods in Durham, sharing materials and discussing research methods. The successful applicant will work directly with Professors Martin Clayton and Tuomas Eerola, and will be expected to take an active role in the operation and development of the research and in the research team’s collaboration. The role will also involve working with our project partners, Prof. Antonio Camurri (Casa Paganini – InfoMus, Genoa) and Prof. Peter Keller (MARCS Institute, University of Western Sydney), including the opportunity to spend time as a visiting researcher at these institutions, and to work with a number of visiting researchers. The post-holder will be expected to contribute to the dissemination of the research through contributions to publications and through attendance at global conferences, and will have opportunities to gain experience in teaching and supervision. The post is fixed term for a duration of 24 months.