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時間:2016-03-23來源:未知 作者:91boshi
Postdoctoral Positions in Bioengineering and Metabolism
Center for Engineering in Medicine at
Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School

Job Description
Multiple postdoctoral positions are available in the Metabolic Diseases group at the Center for Engineering in Medicine (CEM). The fellows will partake in several research endeavors which are highly translational and predominantly geared towards developing effective therapeutics for obesity and type 2 diabetes. A major focus of our group is on understanding, and translating, how weight loss surgery regulates body weight and glucose homeostasis. Please see some example of our publications below:
1. Reprogramming of intestinal glucose metabolism and glycemic control in rats after gastric bypass.
Saeidi N, Meoli L, Nestoridi E, Gupta NK, Kvas S, Kucharczyk J, Bonab AA, Fischman AJ, Yarmush ML, Stylopoulos N.
Science. 2013 Jul 26;341(6144):406-10. doi: 10.1126/science.1235103.
2. Surgical models of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and sleeve gastrectomy in rats and mice.
Bruinsma BG, Uygun K, Yarmush ML, Saeidi N.
Nat Protoc. 2015 Mar;10(3):495-507.
3. Sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass exhibit differential effects on food preferences, nutrient absorption and energy expenditure in obese rats.
Saeidi N, Nestoridi E, Kucharczyk J, Uygun MK, Yarmush ML, Stylopoulos N.
Int J Obes (Lond). 2012 Nov;36(11):1396-402.

Desired Skills & Experience
Independence, curiosity, and courage to tackle complex and impactful scientific questions are the main criteria we are looking for in the candidates. Expertise in cellular and molecular biology techniques and scientific background in adipose and intestinal tissue biology as well as obesity and metabolism are a plus.

Postdoctoral fellows in our center are expected to be independent and eventually build their own paths; however, they are expected to coordinate with and report to the PIs responsible for the projects.

Application Package
Applications should be sent to applications@sbi.org with the subject line “Postdoc-metabolism”, and addressed to Dr. Martin Yarmush and Dr. Nima Saeidi. We prefer that the application package be submitted as a single pdf document that contains: 1) a cover letter, 2) a full CV with a complete list of publications, 3) name and contacts details of 3 references, and 4) list of laboratory and other methods mastered.

Company Description
The Center for Engineering in Medicine is affiliated with the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical school and houses 3 senior and ~10 junior PIs along with a research staff >70; it’s also the home to the BioMEMS Resource Center An NIH Research Resource. The research in the hospital is funded by NIH, NSF, DOD, Shriners, MGH as well as industry.

Center for Engineering in Medicine - http://www.massgeneral.org/cem/
Contact:  Nima Saeidi
Harvard Medical School & Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA 
United States



