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時間:2016-04-06來源:未知 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Physics

The objective of the position is to strengthen research and to give researchers/scholars with doctorates within relevant academic field(s) opportunities for further qualification toward full professorship.

The applicant must submit a description of a research project and a plan for its completion. It must be clear from the application in what way the project will add to the applicant's competence.

The applications will be assessed in relation to the relevance, quality and feasibility of the project. In addition to an evaluation of their submitted project plan and scientific work, potential candidates will be invited to an interview.

Qualifications within the areas of creativity, innovation and commercialization of research will be given emphasis in appointments to academic positions at the university.

The research project will be carried out at the University of Stavanger. It is assumed that the appointee will work full time on the project and that she/he will participate in the scholarly circles at the faculty and the university.

The employment period includes compulsory duties within teaching and guidance. Postdoctoral fellow will the first year participate in “NyTi” which is the universities guidance and integration program for new teachers


