Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Synaptic Function of the Visual System REF 704 : Sussex, United Kingdom
School of Life Sciences (Neuroscience Centre)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Synaptic Function of the Visual System REF 704
,b>Full time, fixed term for up to 4 years
Salary range starting at £31,656 and rising to £37,768 per annum
A post-doctoral position funded by the Wellcome Trust is available in the laboratory of Leon Lagnado to study the synaptic basis of information processing in the visual cortex of mice. Fluorescent reporters of synaptic transmission and neural activity will be used to investigate short-term changes in responsivity and adaptive effects in the visual cortex. We are an active research group housed in newly refurbished labs in the Neuroscience Centre, which houses a number of groups using imaging and electrophysiology to study neural circuits involved in sensory processing. The School of Life Sciences is at the forefront of research in the biological sciences in the UK, coming in the top 10 in the REF2014.
Applicants must have a Ph.D and research experience in experimental neuroscience. Experience in visual neuroscience or the analysis of neural circuits would be a distinct advantage, as would skills in one or more of the following areas: electrophysiology, multiphoton imaging in vivo, image analysis and computer programming.
The School is committed to equality and valuing diversity, and currently holds an Athena SWAN Bronze Award. Applications are particularly welcomed from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in science and engineering at Sussex.
Applications should be accompanied by a full CV, a statement of research interests and aspirations (not more than 4 pages), and the names of two academic referees.