Postdoctoral Fellow : Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Job Description
We are looking for an enthusiastic, interested computational postdoctoral fellow with strong programming skills to work on an exciting new project in Chromatin 3D reconstruction. The project is an NIH funded project as part of the 4D Nucleome, a trans-NIH initiative.
The position is in the research group of Ewan Birney, which has an interdisciplinary spread of scientists. The position will be working closely with groups in EMBL Heidelberg (Jonas Rivas and Jan Ellenberg) and there will be regular travel to Heidelberg. EMBL-EBI is part of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and it is a world-leading bioinformatics centre providing biological data to the scientific community with expertise in data storage, analysis and representation. EMBL-EBI provides freely available data from life science experiments, performs basic research in computational biology and offers an extensive user training programme, supporting researchers in academic and industry. We have close ties with both the University of Cambridge and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
Qualifications and Experience
The successful candidate might come from either a computational, physics or electrical engineering background, or from a biological background, but must have strong computational skills. Ideally you will have demonstrable experience of algorithm development in C, C++ or potentially Java, and the ability to use scripting languages such as Perl or Python. Experience of suffix trees, suffix arrays or other string manipulation algorithms is beneficial. For non-biological candidates, you should have a clear interest in biology and a desire to engage with biological problems, but no previous biological experience is necessary.
EMBL is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer offering attractive conditions and benefits appropriate to an international research organisation. We have an informal culture, international working environment and excellent professional development opportunities but one of the really amazing things about us is the concentration of technical and scientific expertise – something you probably won’t find anywhere else.
If you’ve ever visited the campus you’ll have experienced first-hand our friendly, collegial and supportive atmosphere, set in the beautiful Cambridgeshire countryside. Our staff also enjoy excellent sports facilities including a gym, a free shuttle bus, an on-site nursery, cafés and restaurant and a library.
Application Instructions
Please apply online through
Additional Information
Applications are welcome from all nationalities - visa information will be discussed in more depth with applicants selected for interview.
EMBL-EBI is committed to achieving gender balance and strongly encourages applications from women, who are currently under-represented at all levels. Appointment will be based on merit alone.
Applications will close at 23:00 GMT on the date listed above.