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時間:2016-05-20來源:未知 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral position in Strategy

Employer: NHH Norwegian School of Economics

Location: Norway


Position Type: Full Time

The position is at the Department of Strategy and Management and is a temporary appointment for a period of three years.

Employment requires a PhD in the field of strategy or adjacent fields of economics or finance. Applicants should preferably have completed a doctoral degree within the last two years.

In addition to research, work-duties will be limited to supervision and guest lecturing within the activities of the STOP-group.

Qualified applicants will be invited to present a paper at a departmental seminar prior to their being interviewed. In the event of there being candidates with equivalent qualifications, female applicants will be given preference.

In the assessment of applicants, international experience and qualifications will be emphasized.

The salary will be negotiable within the Norwegian State Salary Scale for associate professors.

In Norway health care, schools and most other public services are free. NHH offers a favorable arrangement with membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, generous research funds for traveling and conference participation, and a bonus system for publication in top international journals. The city of Bergen has a mild and costal climate, and offers rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities (www.visitnorway.com) - as well as a family-friendly environment.

Information about education, prior positions and work experience must be attached with the application, as well as copies of all relevant publications (including doctoral thesis), a description of research interests and agenda, a complete CV, certificates with grades, and any other relevant documentation, such as letters of reference.

Reference letters must be submitted by email directly to NHH (lisbeth.berge@nhh.no) from the referees.

In accordance with §25 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act, information about the applicant may be made public even if the applicant has requested not to have his/her name entered on the list of applicants. The applicant will be notified if his/her request is not respected.

Applications must be submitted online (www.nhh.no/stilling). For opening the application, please select English version (see menu on top side) and use the link ‘Apply for this job' on top right side.

Enquires about the position should be directed to the Head of S T O P, Professor Lasse Lien, e-mail: lasse.lien@nhh.no

Deadline for applications is 1 June 2016



