Postdoctoral Fellow Position - Microbiome and Immunology : Houston, TX, United States
An exciting postdoctoral research fellow position is available immediately in Dr. Louise
McCullough’s cerebrovascular research group at the University of Texas Health Science
Center at Houston, to study gut microbiome influence on inflammation.
Specifically, the successful candidate will study the effect of young/aged gut microbiome on
inflammation and its translation to stroke disease. The candidate will benefit from a multidisciplinary training experience in a highly collaborative environment. Dr. McCullough’s
cerebrovascular research group is a dedicated network of NIH & AHA funded interdisciplinary
scientists conducting translational studies to understand how aging affects inflammation and
its role in stroke recovery, using techniques such as microbiome transplantation,
ELISA/multiplex, flow cytometry, RNA sequencing, immunohistochemistry, behavioral testing
and mouse stroke models.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in cell biology, microbiology, immunology or a related
discipline, with strong organizational, oral and written communication skills. Previous
experience with in vivo studies and a strong background in microbiology and immunology is
highly desirable. Experience in cerebrovascular diseases is preferred. Salary and benefits
will be commensurate with NIH and UTHealth guidelines.