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時間:2016-07-13來源:未知 作者:91boshi


The School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Virginia is seeking candidates for a 2-year postdoctoral research associate position in ubiquitous computing and machine learning. This position is under the direction of Laura Barnes, Ph.D. from the Systems and Information Engineering (SIE) Department and Bethany Teachman, Ph.D. from the Department of Psychology [Program for Anxiety, Cognition and Treatment (PACT) psychology lab].

The position is part of a collaborative grant between Engineering and Psychology. The goal of the project is to develop innovative mobile sensing techniques and systems for mental health and develop and apply machine learning to analyze the complex, multimodal data these systems produce. The position will also involve teaching one course per year tied to the project’s focus on computing technology in mental health.

Highly motivated and qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, particularly those with a papers in CHI, Ubicomp and other relevant conferences and journals. Candidates should demonstrate strong skills in mobile development and have experience with data analysis, signal processing and machine learning. The successful candidate will design innovative mobile sensing techniques, design and apply machine learning techniques, prepare publications, manage ongoing studies, write grants, and serve as a collaborative member of a team of interdisciplinary researchers. A Ph.D. in Computer Science, Information Systems, Systems Engineering, or related field is required. 

Founded in 1836, the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science is the third oldest engineering school at a public university in the U.S., with a distinguished faculty and a student body of 2,300 undergraduates and 615 graduate students. In addition to the University of Virginia's consistent top-ranking as a public institution, the Department of Systems and Information Engineering holds a high NRC ranking in its combination of research and educational opportunities at undergraduate and graduate levels. Situated within iconic and historic Charlottesville, Virginia, with convenient airport and interstate access, we are located within one hour of Richmond and two hours of Washington D.C. Charlottesville is consistently ranked as one of the most livable cities in America.

Review of applications will begin July 18, 2016. To apply, please refer to https://jobs.virginia.edu and reference Posting Number 0619165. Please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, 2 representative publications and contact information for 3 references. For more information, please contact Laura Barnes at lbarnes@virginia.edu. The position will remain open until filled.

The University of Virginia is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We welcome applications from women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities.
Contact:  Laura Barnes
Systems and Information Engineering
University of Virginia
151 Engineer's Way
P.O. Box 400747
Charlottesville, VA 22904
United States
Phone: 434-924-1723
Fax: 434-982-2972



