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時間:2016-08-02來源:未知 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral position in materials science / physics / chemistry (full time) : Jena, Germany

The Chair of Materials Science, Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, offers a

postdoctoral position in materials science / physics / chemistry (full time)

Reg.-Nr.: 147/2016

Starting date is 1. September 2016 or later.

Qualification requirements:

• Degree and PhD in materials science or physics or chemistry with outstanding success
• Experience, skills and knowledge in three or more of the following research topics: materials surfaces, bio-interfaces, antimicrobial materials, development of materials structure-property relationships, air-craft/airport materials, polymers, composites, ceramic glazing, microscopy, spectroscopy
• Excellent oral and written communication skills in German and/or English
• The ability to coherently present complex scientific subjects orally and in writing with high quality
• Scientific excellence and independence

The successful candidate is expected to work on the InfectControl2020 HYFLY (Effective strategies for the control and handling of propagation paths of pathogens in air transport) project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within a multidisciplinary team of materials scientists, architects, life scientists and industry. The position offers ample opportunities for further qualification and/or a habilitation.

This full time position is initially limited to 3 years and will be paid in accordance with the German Public Ser-vices Regulations TV-L up to E 13. Persons with disabilities will be preferred if equally qualified. The availability of the position is subject to the approval of funds.


