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時(shí)間:2016-08-12來(lái)源:未知 作者:91boshi

Postdoc Scholarship in Environmental Economic Modelling and Policy Analysis 849267 : Aarhus C, Denmark

The Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University, Denmark is offering a postdoctoral research position for 3 years. The position is to be filled October 1st, 2016, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The Department of Environmental Science
The Department of Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary department under the Faculty of Science & Technology at Aarhus University. The expertise ranges from social science, geography, economics and policy analysis to mathematical modelling, physics, chemistry, and microbiology. Both pure and applied research is conducted on some of the major challenges facing society, such as pollution and pollution control mechanisms, management of land, soil, water, air and biodiversity, protection of ecosystem services and climate change. Advisory services within these areas are offered to ministries and other stakeholders. Currently, about 120 staff and PhD-students are working at the department. Further information may be found at http://www.envs.au.dk.

The selected postdoc candidate will be affiliated with the Section for Environmental Social Science. The section employs 20 staff and focuses on interdisciplinary analyses of the interlinkages between the environment and society, involving the disciplines of economics, political science and sociology. The strategic foci of the section include spatial economic modelling, economics of ecosystem services and the understanding of actions and actors in policy formulation and implementation. The results are used in advisory services for decision makers, for teaching and disseminated to the wider research community.

Description of the position
The selected candidate is expected to develop and apply state-of-the-art environmental-economic models, including spatial models. There will be ample opportunities to develop collaborations with researchers in the environmental social science section and the environmental science department more broadly as well as with scientists from other institutions. The successful candidate will contribute to several on-going projects including the BONUS project, Go4Baltic, modelling technology diffusion between farms, using registry data as well as data from a farm survey. Furthermore, the post doc position includes modelling of cost-effective measures to reduce pesticide and nutrient loads to the environment. In addition, the successful candidate will refine existing economic catchment-models developed within the group in cooperation with natural scientists. 

The selected candidate is expected to contribute to advisory work as part of the contract with the Ministry of Environment and Food, other advisory projects and research projects. There will also be possibilities for contributing to the development of teaching of graduate courses on environmental economics as well as other teaching activities. 

Qualifications requirements
The position requires a background in environmental economics. Documented skills in applying quantitative methods in economics are required. The qualifications should be documented by published contributions in international high-quality research outlets. The applicant should hold scientific qualifications equivalent to a Ph.D. qualification.

The candidate is expected to be enthusiastic about working in an interdisciplinary international academic environment. The position, therefore, requires a highly motivated scientist who is comfortable working in teams.

Work location
The place of employment is Aarhus University, and the place of work is Science and Technology, Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark. The city of Roskilde (www.roskilde.dk) is located close to Copenhagen. The area provides immediate access to a wealth of cultural and recreational pursuits. Within about 5 years, the department will move to Copenhagen.

Further information
English is spoken on a daily basis at the department. 

For further information about the positions and the projects, please contact Head of Section Berit Hasler, bh@envs.au.dk. Tel: +45 871 58637.

Application procedure
Short-listing is used. This means that after the deadline for applications – and with the assistance from the assessment committee chairman, and the appointment committee if necessary, – the head of department selects the candidates to be evaluated. All applicants will be notified whether or not their applications have been sent to an expert assessment committee for evaluation. The selected applicants will be informed about the composition of the committee, and each applicant is given the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that concerns him/her self. Once the recruitment process is completed a final letter of rejection is sent to the deselected applicants, including the main considerations emphasized during the selection process.

Formalities and salary range
Science and Technology refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. (http://www.au.dk/fileadmin/www.au.dk/Regelsamlingen/Bekendtgoerelse_nr__242_af_a3__MARTS_2012_-_ENGELSK_UDGAVE.pdf)

The application must be in English and include a curriculum vitae, degree certificate, a complete list of publications, a statement of future research plans and information about research activities, teaching portfolio and verified information on previous teaching experience (if any). Guidelines for applicants can be found here. (http://scitech.au.dk/en/about-science-and-technology/vacant-positions/application-form-guide/)

Appointment shall be in accordance with the collective labour agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. Further information on qualification requirements and job content may be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities. (http://jobsys.au.dk/link2/stillingsstrukturnotatet_en)

Salary depends on seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Confederation of Professional Associations.

All interested candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless of their personal background.

All applications must be made online and received by 1 September 2016



