Our lab emphasis on translating the research results into providing better therapeutic targets in multiple myeloma. We are investigating the interaction between tumor and bone marrow microenvironment. The project will focus on studying the mechanism underlying chemotherapy resistance and bone disease in myeloma, and developing the novel potential approaches for myeloma therapy. Our latest researches have been published in Science Translational Medicine (http://stm.sciencemag.org/content/8/353/353ra113.short). The new postdoc fellow will be supported by the recently funded R01s from the NIH/NCI.
Applicants must have a recent Ph.D. and/or M.D. in biomedical science with strong background in molecular biology or bone biology. The candidate must have one or more first-authored publications in highly regarded scientific journal(s) and have a demonstrated ability of independent experimental design and research.
Interested candidates should send a CV with 3 references and a brief description of recent research interests, activities, and career goals to Dr. Jing Yang (jiyang@mdanderson.org).